
Our mission is to bring new concepts to our customers to cope with new business opportunities. Jolly Come providing one-stop service to our value customers in the products of stainless steel watch, smart watch and stainless steel jewelry, in order to make our customers feel satisfaction and peace of mind guaranteed, as well as to assist their brand being more popular and competitive in the market.

Besides the watch and jewellery products, Jolly Come is able to to develop and manufacture smart products like smart wearable device, jewelry tracker and pet tracker.

Product Catalogue

Smart Product

Recent innovations in mobile and sensor technologies allow for creating a digital representation of almost any physical entity and its parameters over time at any place..


is a timepiece intended to be carried or worn by a person. it can be presented by “Quartz”, “Mechanical” or “Smart”.


Refer to all wearable products, like necklace, earring, bracelet, bangle, cufflink, rings,